About Upscaleminers

Upscaleminers was founded in 2010 by Taylor Martin and few other German, Italian and Spanish professional traders, analysts, real estate developers and agriculturist's. Upscaleminers is a leading cryptocurrency investment company that issues debit cards and provides cryptocurrency trading. According to the research agency IBIS World, the debit card industry brought beneficiaries about $107 bln in revenue and $24 bln in net profit in 2020. The profit of our company is generated from the cost of additional debit card services and an annual service fee. Our company is officially registered in England, which gives us strategic advantages in the form of flexibility and transaction speed.

Licensed & Certified

Upscaleminers is a fully registered investment company based in Rue Crespin 24,1206 Aarau,Switzerland. 17 Park Cres,Eastwood,Nottingham,NG16 3DS

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